Watch Darling, I Am Going Out For Cigarettes and I Will Be Right Back online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Darling, I Am Going Out For Cigarettes and I Will Be Right Back cinema online for free. The film Darling, I Am Going Out For Cigarettes and I Will Be Right Back has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the web. The film takes places in different time periods and countries. It narrates the story of a common man, who after entering into a deal with a strange character with superpowers, has the possibility of going back to his own past and to live again his youth. Ernesto, the main character, will try to recover lost opportunities and to curb certain behaviors in order to change his gray and insipid present. Despite having the advantage of knowing all the necessary information about the future, experience will show him that this flat personality and his resentment can go beyond these benefits and that there is no possible excuse to overcome his infinite mediocrity.

Year: 2011
Genre :
Runtime: 80 minutes
Release Date: 2011-08-12
Actors : Daniel Aráoz, Diego Bliffeld, Stefany Carr Rollitt