Watch Paradas contínuas online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Paradas contínuas movie online for free. The movie Paradas contínuas has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the site. Perico and Emilio, almost good looking teenagers, enterprising bums and lovers of the seamy side of student life, have the same problem: they have no place to take their girlfriends to give free rein to their baser passions: they can´t go to their homes or those of the girls, and only sluts go to hourly hotels. Faced with this need (and a great deal of pent up testosterone), they decide to become entrepreneurs, thanks to Perico´s father´s old VW van, that, as well as a possible solution for their lust, can also be turned into the business of a lifetime, as Professor Carranco would say: Today, whoever finds a niche in the market can become a millionaire.

Year: 2009
Genre : Comedy
Release Date: 2009-08-16
Actors : Germán Valdés III, Luis Arrieta, Cassandra Ciangherotti, Javier Rivera