^==^ Fouetté 1986 Stream Online Free

^==^ Fouetté 1986 Stream Online Free
Watch Fouetté online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Fouetté movie online for free. The cinema Fouetté has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the blog. Prima-ballerina Elena Knyazeva prepares for her performance on the anniversary jubilee for the theater Swan Lake on the eve of her fiftieth birthday and simultaneously participates in the production of the innovative ballet Master and Margarita. Suddenly, the choreographer gives the role of a young ballerina, with whom he begins an affair. Overcoming jealousy and desperation, Knyazeva begins to work with the student over the image of Margarita

Year: 1986
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 100 minutes
Release Date: 1986-10-15
Actors : Vladimir Vasiliev, Ekaterina Maximova, Aristarkh Livanov, Valentin Gaft, Natalya Bolshakova

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